Go Tell It (SATB)



Atop Whistlers Mountain in Jasper National Park

This is a re-imagined a cappella version of Go Tell It On The Mountain, with more modern lyrics and a melody that gets blues-ier the further you travel.  It’s a relaxed swing, with solo opportunities in the third verse.

The melody came to me as I was waking up, and I went straight to the piano to plunk it out.  I was partly inspired by an old favourite beginning band tune that I had just handed out called ‘Bag O’ Blues’, where students get their first taste of b7.  And I was partly inspired by my partner’s complaints about how basses never get to sing melody.  Well Michael, this one’s for you.

PDF: Go Tell It (On The Mountain) SATB

 If you perform any of my works, please email me at heather (dot) k (dot) graves (at) gmail (dot) com, as I would love to hear others’ versions of my compositions.  Thanks!  Please also contact me if you would like the MuseScore file.

Kyrie Eleison (SATB)

I’ve always wanted to try my hand at composing for the classic Kyrie Eleison text.  Hope you enjoy!

PDF: Kyrie Eleison (SATB)

Midi: Kyrie Eleison midi file

If you perform any of my works, please email me at heather (dot) k (dot) graves (at) gmail (dot) com, as I would love to hear performances of my compositions.  Thanks!  Please also contact me if you would like the MuseScore file.

Paradise By The Dashboard Light



I recently arranged Meat Loaf’s perennial favourite for The Eight Deadly Sins, a men’s a cappella group.  Thankfully someone was able to film Saturday’s premiere, and uploaded it to Facebook.  Please take a listen, it’s good fun!

Video: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1409444739373056

Bring A Torch, Jeanette, Isabella! (SSA)

Recharged from the summer, I delved into the carol book and discovered an Old French gem.  Not having grown up with this carol made it easy to re-harmonize the melody for a cappella treble choir.   I also reworked some of the lyrics to focus on the joy I feel every holiday season.  Merry Christmas!



PDF: Bring A Torch SSA

Midi: Bring A Torch midi

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O Captain! My Captain! (SSAA)

Tall Ship in Port Dalhousie

This is a setting of Walt Whitman’s poem O Captain! My Captain! The first line of this poem was made famous by Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society (1989).  I heard the poem in its entirety in May at my school’s public speaking competition, and was immediately caught by the musicality and phrasing of the words.  My setting is for a cappella women’s choir, and also uses a tom (this can be substituted using a djembe or another low drum.)

PDF: O Captain! My Captain! SSAA

Midi: Oh Captain! midi file

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Shall We Gather At The River (TTBB)

Stream off of the Baden Powel Trail.

Stream off of the Baden Powell Trail.

An a cappella arrangement of the traditional hymn, Shall We Gather At The River by Robert Lowry (1826–1899).  I arranged this for the Eight Deadly Sins, based in Highlands United Church in North Vancouver, Canada.  I used some of Lowry’s lyrics, as well as borrowing from the imagery of the Swedish version of the song, O, hur saligt att få vandra.

PDF: Shall We Gather At The River TTBB



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