Paradise By The Dashboard Light



I recently arranged Meat Loaf’s perennial favourite for The Eight Deadly Sins, a men’s a cappella group.  Thankfully someone was able to film Saturday’s premiere, and uploaded it to Facebook.  Please take a listen, it’s good fun!


Shall We Gather At The River (TTBB)

Stream off of the Baden Powel Trail.

Stream off of the Baden Powell Trail.

An a cappella arrangement of the traditional hymn, Shall We Gather At The River by Robert Lowry (1826–1899).  I arranged this for the Eight Deadly Sins, based in Highlands United Church in North Vancouver, Canada.  I used some of Lowry’s lyrics, as well as borrowing from the imagery of the Swedish version of the song, O, hur saligt att få vandra.

PDF: Shall We Gather At The River TTBB



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